#include #include #include #include #include #include static inline void Print_Clear() { printf("\x1b\x5b\x48\x1b\x5b\x32\x4a"); } typedef struct Sudoku { uint8_t *field; bool *fixed; size_t size; size_t block_size; size_t pos; size_t pos_last_placed; size_t num_fields; } Sudoku; static Sudoku *Sudoku_New(size_t block_size) { Sudoku *s = calloc(1, sizeof(Sudoku)); // clang-format off uint8_t many_solutions_field[81] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 9, 0, 0, 0, 0, 8, 9, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 6, 0, 0, 0, 8, 0, 0, 0, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6, 5, 0, 0, 2, 0, 7, 4, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, 5, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0, 1, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 8, 2, 0, 0, 0, 6, 0, }; // clang-format on size_t size = block_size * block_size; uint8_t *field = calloc(size * size, sizeof(uint8_t)); bool *fixed = calloc(size * size, sizeof(bool)); printf("num_fields: %zu\n", size * size); s->field = field; s->fixed = fixed; for (size_t idx = 0; idx < 81; idx++) { s->field[idx] = many_solutions_field[idx]; } for (size_t idx = 0; idx < 81; idx++) { if (s->field[idx] != 0) { s->fixed[idx] = true; } } s->size = size; s->block_size = block_size; s->pos = 0; s->pos_last_placed = 0; s->num_fields = size * size; return s; } static inline void Sudoku_Print(Sudoku *s) { for (size_t idx = 0; idx < s->num_fields; idx++) { // newline if (idx != 0 && idx % s->size == 0) printf("\n"); // nr printf("%hhu", s->field[idx]); // space if ((idx + 1) % s->size != 0) printf(" "); } printf("\n"); } static inline bool Sudoku_Next(Sudoku *s) { if (s->pos == s->num_fields - 1) { return false; } s->pos++; return true; } static inline bool Sudoku_Prev(Sudoku *s) { if (s->pos == 0) return false; s->pos--; return true; } static inline bool Sudoku_IsFixed(Sudoku *s) { return s->fixed[s->pos]; } static inline uint8_t Sudoku_GetFieldAtPos(Sudoku *s, size_t pos) { return s->field[pos]; } static inline void Sudoku_Set(Sudoku *s, uint8_t nr) { s->field[s->pos] = nr; s->pos_last_placed = s->pos; } static inline void Sudoku_ClearCurrentField(Sudoku *s) { Sudoku_Set(s, 0); } static inline bool Array_Contains(uint8_t *arr, size_t len, uint8_t nr) { for (size_t idx = 0; idx < len; idx++) { if (arr[idx] == nr) { return true; } } return false; } static inline bool Sudoku_IsEnd(Sudoku *s) { return !Array_Contains(s->field, s->num_fields, 0); } static inline bool Sudoku_GotoPrevFreeField(Sudoku *s) { do { if (!Sudoku_IsFixed(s)) return true; } while (Sudoku_Prev(s)); return false; } static inline bool Sudoku_GotoNextFreeField(Sudoku *s) { do { if (!Sudoku_IsFixed(s)) return true; } while (Sudoku_Next(s)); return false; } static inline void Sudoku_GetRow(Sudoku *s, uint8_t *row) { for (size_t pos = 0; pos < s->size; pos++) { row[pos] = Sudoku_GetFieldAtPos(s, (s->pos / s->size) * s->size + pos); } } static inline void Sudoku_GetCol(Sudoku *s, uint8_t *col) { for (size_t pos = 0; pos < s->size; pos++) { col[pos] = Sudoku_GetFieldAtPos(s, pos * s->size + s->pos % s->size); } } static inline void Sudoku_GetBlock(Sudoku *s, uint8_t *block) { size_t block_start_row = s->pos / s->size / s->block_size * s->block_size; size_t block_start_col = s->pos % s->size / s->block_size * s->block_size; for (size_t r = 0; r < s->block_size; r++) { for (size_t c = 0; c < s->block_size; c++) { block[r * s->block_size + c] = Sudoku_GetFieldAtPos( s, s->size * (block_start_row + r) + block_start_col + c); } } } static inline bool Sudoku_BlockOk(Sudoku *s, uint8_t nr) { bool ok; uint8_t block[9] = {0}; Sudoku_GetBlock(s, block); ok = !Array_Contains(block, s->size, nr); return ok; } static inline bool Sudoku_RowOk(Sudoku *s, uint8_t nr) { bool ok; uint8_t row[9] = {0}; Sudoku_GetRow(s, row); ok = !Array_Contains(row, s->size, nr); return ok; } static inline bool Sudoku_ColOk(Sudoku *s, uint8_t nr) { bool ok; uint8_t col[9] = {0}; Sudoku_GetCol(s, col); ok = !Array_Contains(col, s->size, nr); return ok; } static inline bool Sudoku_Ok(Sudoku *s, uint8_t nr) { return Sudoku_BlockOk(s, nr) && Sudoku_ColOk(s, nr) && Sudoku_RowOk(s, nr); } static inline bool Sudoku_PutValidNr(Sudoku *s) { uint8_t current_nr = Sudoku_GetFieldAtPos(s, s->pos); for (uint8_t nr = current_nr; nr < s->size + 1; nr++) { if (Sudoku_Ok(s, nr)) { Sudoku_Set(s, nr); return true; } } return false; } static bool Sudoku_SolveBacktracking(Sudoku *s) { bool found_solution = false; size_t num_solutions = 0; while (1) { if (Sudoku_IsEnd(s)) { found_solution = true; num_solutions++; if (num_solutions % 100 == 0) { Print_Clear(); printf("Solutions: %zu\n", num_solutions); Sudoku_Print(s); } if (Sudoku_IsFixed(s)) { continue; } Sudoku_ClearCurrentField(s); Sudoku_Prev(s); Sudoku_GotoPrevFreeField(s); } if (Sudoku_IsFixed(s)) { Sudoku_Next(s); continue; } if (Sudoku_GotoNextFreeField(s)) { if (Sudoku_PutValidNr(s)) { Sudoku_Next(s); continue; } else { Sudoku_ClearCurrentField(s); if (!Sudoku_Prev(s)) { printf("Number of solutions: %zu\n", num_solutions); break; } if (!Sudoku_GotoPrevFreeField(s)) { printf("Number of solutions: %zu\n", num_solutions); break; } } } } return found_solution; } static void Sudoku_Free(Sudoku *s) { free(s->field); free(s->fixed); free(s); s = NULL; } int main() { Sudoku *s = Sudoku_New(3); Sudoku_Print(s); Sudoku_SolveBacktracking(s); Sudoku_Free(s); }