2.2 KiB
Starting with version 2.2.0 some features are customizable via a configuration file.
The configuration file will be automatically created on the the first startup after installing or updating the plugin.
The following keys and values are available:
maxGateBlocks A positive integer defining the maximum number of blocks a gate can consist of. Note that increasing this value might slow down your server!
playerGateBlockUpdateRadius Defines the radius around a player where portal blocks are visible to that player. Adjust this value when increasing or decreasing the view-distance on the server. Only positive integer values are allowed.
checkForBrokenGateFrames Allowed values are true and false only. Setting this value to false will disable all checks for broken frames for non-hidden gates. Disabling frame block checks might increase you server performance.
saveOnChanges Allowed values are true and false only. Disabling save on changes might increase server performance but gates will only be saved to disk when the plugin gets disabled! This might lead to data loss on error.
gateTeleportMessage A string value going to displayed every time when a player travels using a gate. Will only be displayed if showTeleportMessage is set to true.
showTeleportMessage A boolean (true or false) determining wether the teleport message will be displayed.
gateTeleportNoPermissionMessage A string value going to displayed every time when a player enters a gate and is not allowed to use that gate. Will only be displayed if showTeleportNoPermissionMessage is set to true.
gateTeleportVehicleNotAllowedMessage A string value being displayed when a player tries to go through a gate while riding when riding through this gate is disabled. Will only be displayed if showTeleportNoPermissionMessage is set to true.
showTeleportNoPermissionMessage A boolean (true or false) determining wether the no permission message will be displayed.
gateMaterial A String representing the material all gates will consist of. Have a look at our Gate Material Page for all possible values.